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Geodetic Investigations of Inelastic Earthquake Cycle Deformation at the Makran Subduction Zone

Guo Cheng

In many numerical modeling studies of the Earth system. Crustal deformation in response to earthquake rupture is assumed to be an elastic process, where earthquake-induced strain is recoverable after several earthquake cycles. Inelastic deformation, or permanent damages caused by the earthquake are ignored in under the elastic assumption, leading to inaccurate estimation of earthquake hazard potential, earthquake mechanisms, or fault zone properties. This presentation focuses on revealing the inelastic behaviors of the Earth during or after large earthquakes, through the application of satellite-based geodetic observations and numerical modeling techniques.

Speaker: Guo Cheng, UC Santa Cruz

Friday, 06/09/23


Website: Click to Visit



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Earth and Marine Sciences Building

UC Santa Cruz
Room A340
Santa Cruz, CA 95064