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Young Birders Club: Cuesta Park

Young Birders Club

Join the Young Birders Club to bird the lush green grass and towering Oak and Redwood trees of Cuesta Park! We'll look for resident birds, including Red-tailed Hawks, White-breasted and Pygmy Nuthatches, Western Bluebirds, and American Robins, and keep an eye out for incoming wintering sparrows.

This trip is designed for young birders, but parents and siblings are welcome to attend. We welcome birders of all skill levels - whether you’ve been birding for years, or never picked up a pair of binoculars before, we’d love to bird with you! Young birders can socialize and have fun birding together. Loaner binoculars are available for participants.

Lead: Allison and Valerie

Meet: Cuesta Park parking lot near the restrooms in the Mountain View Tennis building

Saturday, 10/07/23


Website: Click to Visit



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Cuesta Park

615 Cuesta Dr
Mountain View, CA 94040