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Fire Ecology Hike

Join us to learn about the importance of getting ‘good fire’ back onto coastal landscapes and our ongoing work to steward the preserve using prescribed burning. A guided 4-mile hike will reveal the progress and preparations we’re making within two unique burn projects in coastal prairie and coastal redwood habitats.

The moderately strenuous hike will begin with 1-mile uphill climb to our coastal prairie restoration site. You will learn why fire is an important stewardship tool to protect these incredibly diverse and increasingly rare habitats. We will then proceed to some upland redwood forest. There we have an example of a redwood understory burn that is intended to protect our iconic trees from a high-intensity wildfire.

Limited to 30 participants.  Registration required at weblink

Saturday, 10/14/23


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Martin Griffin Preserve

4900 Shoreline Highway 1
Stinson Beach, CA 94970
