Robert Oppenheimer successfully directed the Manhattan Project that led to the creation of the world’s first nuclear weapons. However, two other Berkeley faculty members played crucial roles in this development. Ernest Lawrence’s invention of the cyclotron enabled Glenn Seaborg to discover plutonium and led to the development of uranium isotopic ...
The mountain ranges of the central and southern United States have long been considered enigmatic, both for their sustained topographic relief and exceptional levels of freshwater biodiversity. In my talk, I will propose that the erosion through heterogeneous bedrock is an important mechanism for explaining the topography and freshwater biodiversity ...
Where: StanfordCost: Free
Einstein without Tears - 6 week courseThis non-technical, non-mathematical introduction to some of the most awe-inspiring ideas from the work of Albert Einstein is designed for people with little or no science background. If you’ve been intrigued by Einstein (who was Time magazine’s “Person of the Century” in 1999), but have been scared away by thoughts of ...
Understanding deformations of macroscopic thin plates and shells has a long and rich history, culminating with the nonlinear Foeppl-von Karman equations in 1904. However, thermal fluctuations in thin elastic membranes fundamentally alter the long wavelength physics, leading to strongly scale-dependent elastic constants, consistent with experiments that twist and bend atomically-thin ...
Optical spectroscopies have contributed immensely to the present understanding of metals, semiconductors and superconductors. Unfortunately, optics encounters problems when it comes to “seeing” effects at length scales below the diffraction limit of light and also with probing physics outside of the light cone. Both capabilities are highly desirable for the ...
This presentation will explore the integration of emerging AI into healthcare to provide personalized, empathetic care. We will highlight current and future AI prospects and how healthcare professionals can effectively collaborate with AI while maintaining a patient-centered approach.Speaker: Yaa Kumah-CrystalRegister at weblink to receive connection information
The Geography of Hope: Using GIS to Change the WorldFrom Prague to Berkeley to Nairobi to Kyiv, location data is being collected and analyzed through Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology to map a better future. It's a powerful tool that can be applied to environmental conservation, healthcare, law enforcement, and educational innovation.Join us as Pulitzer Prize-winning editor and former ...
Whether analytical questions are answered by querying relational databases or in dialog with the latest Large Language Model (LLM): a key component for ensuring trustworthy answers is the retrieval of relevant data to answer the question at hand. In this talk, we will discuss how retrieval systems for structured data ...
Seeing without labels: Applied AI at the National Library of SwedenWhile the digital archives of memory institutions have expanded exponentially in recent years, much of this material remains inaccessible. With the advent of mass digitization programs and the ever-increasing flow of incoming born digital material, the range and extent of digital heritage collections has grown enormously over the past two ...
Illuminating the Dark Matter of the GenomeDr. Michael T. McManus’s research career is distinguished by a strong emphasis on technology and innovation, particularly in gene function analysis in health and disease. His lab uses systematic and synthetic approaches to develop new tools and methodologies for studying gene regulation. Since joining UCSF, Dr. McManus has led a ...
Over the last 25 years, South Korea has witnessed growing inequality through non-standard employment, mushrooming real estate prices, and the growth of its super-conglomerates. That this expansion has taken place amid declining rates of economic growth and turbulent political events marks a departure from Korea’s past recognition as a high ...
Hydrogen is projected to play a significant role in the future energy mix, with the IEA forecasting an increase of almost an order of magnitude compared to hydrogen consumption today. This increase is driven by the possible dual use of hydrogen: to provide a clean or green high energy density ...
Astronomers have now discovered thousands of planets in orbit around other stars. Dr. Weintraub will discuss those discoveries, and predict the progress astronomers are likely to make in their more detailed studies of these planets over the next fifty years. Then he will consider the consequences of those potential discoveries ...
San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) scientists will talk about their work protecting and restoring the estuary’s vital tidal marsh habitats including China Camp. We’ll explore how these ecosystems help combat sea-level rise and support the diverse wildlife that calls the Bay Area home. Learn about the science ...
Where: San RafaelCost: Free
Thursday, 10/10/24
Coastal Walk at Cowell-Purisima TrailJoin Peninsula Open Space Trust for a beautiful walk along the Cowell-Purisima trail that POST helped create by protecting adjacent farmland. While it may be foggy, we hope to catch gorgeous views of the ocean, nearby farmland, and glimpses of harbor seals, pelicans, hawks, rabbits, and whales during the winter ...
Alexandra “Sascha” von Meier is a Senior Advisor for the Electric Grid program at the California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE), UC Berkeley. Her research centers on power distribution systems, the use of high-precision synchronized measurements, and the integration of distributed and intermittent generation. Current projects explore new control strategies ...
For the past 15 years, companies have been seen as central to addressing climate change, given their emissions and level of accountability to civil society and the public. However, the current system of greenhouse gas inventories and related interventions -particularly for indirect emissions (Scope 3) - has proven inefficient, as ...
Celebrate the journey of life at After Dark through stunning artworks and performances. Prepare to be mesmerized by Elderflora, Majel Connery’s powerful song cycle about a tree’s existence from seedling to log, contrasting and comparing it to a human’s life cycle. Then engage with the awesome natural phenomena all around ...
Where: San FranciscoCost: $19.95 General, Free for Members
NightLifeCalling all creatures of the night: explore the nocturnal side of the Academy at NightLife and see what's revealed. With live DJs, outdoor bars, ambiance lighting, and nearly 60,000 live animals (including familiar faces like Claude, our alligator with albinism), the night is sure to be wild.Step inside the iconic ...
Because a total solar eclipse occurs in any given location only about once every 375 years, experiencing an eclipse is a once-in-a-lifetime event for most of us, and even more so for most other animals. There is surprisingly little published about the effects of eclipses on people and other animals. ...
Where: Cost: Free
Primordial Pathway: A Legacy of Ancient Life on Earth It is a mystery how the earliest organisms on earth evolved the means to thrive, grow and reproduce under the sparse conditions of the young planet. Primordial earth had little oxygen and in the deep seas, no available light. One theory proposes that life evolved near undersea vents, taking energy ...
Where: Menlo ParkCost: Free
Raptor Quest: Chasing America's Raptors - LivestreamScott Harris will be discussing his book “Raptor Quest: Chasing America’s Raptors”, which documents his 17-month adventure tracking 53 raptor species across 34 states in the US, from the common (Red-tailed Hawks, Bald Eagles and Peregrine Falcons) to the rare (Bat Falcon, Steller’s Sea Eagle and Eurasian Eagle Owl). He ...
Where: Cost: Free
State of Environmental Activism in FranceJoin us to learn more about the current state of environmental activism inFrancethrough the experience of French-American citizens, members of some major players " les Soulevements de la Terre " and " Bassines Non-Merci" a.k.a The Earth Uprisings and Reservoirs No Thank You.Learn some history of these collectives, about elements ...
As the European Union grapples with balancing economic growth and environmental sustainability, the European Green Deal faces critical challenges and opportunities in the coming years. The political guidelines for 2024-29 set forth by the President of the European Commission will shape the future of sustainable competitiveness in Europe, potentially redefining ...
Generative AI and Digital Literacies: Affordances and Constraints for Language Learning - LivestreamGiven the rise of ChatGPT and other generative AI (GenAI) platforms that create texts, images, and videos from big data, this talk discusses how these technologies offer various affordances and constraints for language learning, while also presenting potential pitfalls. It recognizes how the use of such tools is circumscribed by ...
Our laboratory has focused on the development of ligand platforms that support substrate coordination and activation at low-valent first row transition metals. This interest has allowed for the preparation of a manganese catalyst that mediates carbonyl hydrosilylation with turnover frequencies of up to 4,900 min-1 in the absence of solvent. ...
Hike at Windy HillJoin POST on a guided hike on one of the first open spaces we protected as an organization! A POST Representative will share a few words about POST’s decades of conservation success before hiking groups leave to explore a strenuous but rewarding 7 mile hike with 1,500 feet of elevation ...
Where: Portola ValleyCost: Free
Gem & Mineral ShowJoint annual Gem & Mineral Show hosted by Peninsula Gem & Geology Society and Sequoia Gem & Mineral Society.There will be display cases of our clubs' lapidary classes, field trips, jewelry and member interests. Dealers will be selling hand crafted jewelry, gemstones, fossils, mineral specimens, collectible rocks for home display and ...
Where: Redwood CityCost: $5 Adults, Under 12 Free
Family Nature Adventures: Night Prowl: Secrets of Local OwlsJoin the Fun at Family Nature Adventures!Get ready for an exciting journey into Chabot’s surrounding redwood forest every 2nd Saturday of the month! Each adventure brings a fresh theme, from the fascinating world of insects to the majestic forest animals and towering trees.Night Prowl: Discover the Secrets of Local Owls!Join ...
Where: OaklandCost: $25 Adult, $35 Child, $10 off for members
An Earthquake Crawl of the East BayCome hang out with geologist Steve Newton as we explore the East Bay’s earthquake history on a fun and informative crawl!We’ll start our earthquake tour in Fremont, and carpool up the East Bay driving/stopping/driving to see and have explained to us the planet’s greatest hits, so to speak. How have ...
Where: FremontCost: Free
Science on Tap: Impacts of Nuclear TestingNuclear testing has had long-lasting and serious impacts on our environmental and human communities, shifting, distorting, and creating new and often difficult landscapes, needs, and stories. Join us for an impactful night discussing the impacts nuclear testing has had on communities both near and far with experts in the fields ...
Where: Pacific GroveCost: $20 General, $15 Members, $25 at door
City Public Star Party - RESCHEDULEDCome join the San Francisco Amateur Astronomers for free public stargazing of the Moon, planets, globular clusters and more!The event will take place in Tunnel Tops National Park, parking is located adjacent to Picnic Place (210 Lincoln Blvd for GPS) with the telescopes setup in the East Meadow.Dress warmly as conditions ...
Where: San FranciscoCost: Free
Jazz Under the StarsJazz Under the Stars is a FREE monthly public stargazing event! Occurring on the Saturday nearest the 1st quarter moon (check our Events Page), join us in building 36 on the 4th floor observatory for a night of smooth jazz, bright stars, and a lot of fun! We play our jazz ...
Where: San MateoCost: Free
Sunday, 10/13/24
Family HikeExplore the lush redwood forest that surrounds Chabot, hike off some steam then have a sit-down and snack with your family and new friends you’ve just made. Expert Chabot staff lead these fun, informative, easy to moderate hikes and can answer your questions about plants and animals we live among ...
Where: OaklandCost: $40 Adult, $30 Youth 8 - 12
Gem & Mineral ShowJoint annual Gem & Mineral Show hosted by Peninsula Gem & Geology Society andSequoia Gem & Mineral Society.There will be display cases of our clubs' lapidary classes, field trips, jewelry and member interests. Dealers will be selling hand crafted jewelry, gemstones, fossils, mineral specimens, collectible rocks for home display and other ...
The Parks Conservancy and Chronicle Books are delighted to invite you to the Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center for a book signing and launch with acclaimed author Elizabeth Partridge for her latest release, "Golden Gate: Building the Mighty Bridge."About the BookAcross a treacherous strait where deep ocean waters rip back and ...
Where: San FranciscoCost: Free
Estuary & Ocean Science Center Marine Lab Open HouseJoin us to celebrate the EOS Center's annual Marine Lab Open House, a day of discovery. We invite you to experience science in action at San Francisco State University's Estuary & Ocean Science Center at the Romberg Tiburon Campus, the only marine lab on the San Francisco Bay.Meet San Francisco Bay ...
Getting to net zero carbon emissions will require Congress to more aggressively regulate greenhouse gas emissions. If the idea has wide support (and it does), why can't Congress muster the will to do it? David Spence (University of Texas at Austin) tackles this question in his new book Climate of ...
Human activities that emit greenhouse gases are undergoing rapid shifts in response to technological, economic, and regulatory pressures. In this dynamic environment, our knowledge of current emissions is often surprisingly incomplete, and this hinders society’s ability to plan effective mitigation actions. In this talk I will discuss our research focused ...
Strong interactions between particles can lead to emergent collective excitations. In the solid state, these phenomena have been extensively established in electronic systems, but are also expected to occur for gases of neutral particles like spin waves (magnons) in a magnet. In a regime where magnons are strongly interacting, they ...
Quasicrystals are exotic materials with symmetries once thought to be impossible for matter. This talk will describe the decades-long adventures searching for them in nature and other exotic environments that continues to this day, resulting in one of the stranger scientific stories you will ever hear.Speaker: Paul Steinhardt, Princeton UniversityAttend in person or online (see weblink ...
Where: Menlo ParkCost: Free
Mapping the inner world of cellsCellular processes are orchestrated by many biomolecules in a spatially and temporally coordinated manner within a tiny volume. To uncover the underlying organizational principles and their functional relevance, we take microscopy visualization as the primary approach to systematically map their spatial localization, temporal dynamics, and activity profiles. By combining small ...
Where: BerkeleyCost: Free
One Path to an Astronomy Outreach CareerDr. Lauren Corlies, Public Education Manager at Lick observatory will present a talk about navigating a career path in Astronomy Outreach, as well as identifying the skills and experiences that have helped along the way.
In 1976 Kroger and Reich established the existence of a low-lying nuclear excited state in 229Th through the spectroscopy of rays emitted following the decay of 233U. The prospects of a laser-accessible nuclear transition touched off a flurry of proposals to utilize this apparently unique nuclear transition as a sensitive ...