What did the metals know, and when did they know it? Tabletop M-edge XANES reveals hidden states in transition metal photocatalysts
X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) is a powerful technique for electronic structure determination. Recent developments in extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light sources using the laser-based technique of high-harmonic generation have enabled core-level spectroscopy to be performed on femtosecond to attosecond timescales. We have extended the scope of tabletop XUV spectroscopy and demonstrated that M2,3-edge XANES, corresponding to 3p - 3d transitions, can reliably measure the electronic structure of molecular first-row transition metal complexes with femtosecond time resolution. In the same 40-100 eV energy range, the 5p
Speaker: Joshua Vura-Weis, University of Illinois - Champaign
Tuesday, 02/04/25
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