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Conceptual Modeling of Energy Systems

Alicia Wongel

The central topic of this seminar is modeling approaches to facilitate resource conservation and a just energy transition. Potential subtopics are an emerging technology’s potential for scaling, life-cycle assessment for measuring social and environmental impacts, uncertainty quantification, and economic modeling for the energy transition. Our goal is to create an intimate, collaborative space for students, postdocs, scientists, and PIs within the Stanford techno-economic modeling and systems modeling community. These seminars will provide an opportunity to disseminate insights from your studies, connect with fellow researchers, and strengthen bonds across the community.

In this talk, Alicia will give an overview of the different energy system analyses that have been done recently in the Climate Energy lab. These studies are based on highly stylized systems that allow drawing fundamental conclusions about geophysical and technical relationships. Many of the studies aim to give a first-order impression of a problem, leaving follow-up studies with higher detail for future research. Recent studies related to energy systems focused on the role of different energy technologies that could complement wind and solar generation and planning reliable wind- and solar-based electricity systems.

Speaker: Alicia Wongel, Carnegie Science

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Tuesday, 11/19/24


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