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Herbst Theater


401 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94102

The California Academy of Sciences is one of the world's preeminent natural history museums and an international leader in scientific research about the natural world. This season marks the nineteenth year of collaboration between City Arts & Lectures and the Academy for a special benefit series bringing the very best and brightest of the diverse scientific community to San Francisco. The 2010 season features extreme nature photographer James Balog; a screening of the documentary 'The Botany of Desire' and discussion of their collaboration by author Michael Pollan and filmmaker Michael Schwarz; Nobel Prize winner and Former Director of the National Institute of Health, Harold Varmus; neuropsychiatrist and author of The Female Brain, Louanne Brizendine; New York Times Dot Earth Blog reporter Andrew Revkin; and Senior Advisor on Water to the President of the UN, Maude Barlow.


Website: Click to Visit


37.7789997, -122.4201205


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