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'Captain Jack's Stronghold': Archaeology of the Modoc War Battlefield


This talk will present the results of archaeological field work at Captain Jack's Stronghold in Lava Beds National Monument in Southern Oregon. A wildfire in 2008 burned covering vegetation from the "stronghold" and afforded archaeologists access and opportunity to better survey and study the area. The extensive honeycomb of jagged rock outcroppings, caves, and caverns provided Captain Jack and his Modoc tribe with an impregnable fortress and defensive position from which to fight extradition to a reservation by the U.S. Army in 1872-1873. The battle is referred to as the Modoc Indian War in Oregon history.

Jacqueline Cheung and Eric Gleason, both archaeologists with the National Park Service will present findings from their extensive field work, including the fortification and residential features and associated artifacts in the Stronghold. Using projected stereoscopic photographs (in 3-D) from the period, they will illustrate the historic features, battle fortifications, and examine changes in the landscape.

Room 101

Friday, 11/07/14


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Archaeology Research Facility

UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720