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While researching her book about mushrooms, Eugenia Bone became fascinated with the huge impact microbes have on every aspect of life. But as she began reading scholarly works in an attempt to grasp the microbiology, she quickly realized she couldn't do it alone.

That's why she went back to school in middle age, to study Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology at Columbia University. Her college experience was in equal parts challenging, humbling, and hilarious. The material was daunting, not only because she had spent her life convinced it was beyond her comprehension (a conviction many people share about science), but also because microbes are so different from the organisms we can see. She initially found it difficult to understand creatures that evolve so fast they can become another species in a matter of weeks, that can share genes by touching, that bridge the nonliving and living spheres of life. But despite her academic trials, Bone realized all life, from a mushroom to a maestro, are microbial in essence. Indeed, life itself is a vast conspiracy of microbes.

Tuesday, 05/22/18


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Corte Madera, CA 94925