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Human Hibernation: Is it Possible for Space Flight?

Art Wallace

Sci-Fi movies often depict hibernation as the secret to long-duration human spaceflight. (Note: Even with ideal starship acceleration and deceleration - AND with the benefit of relativistic effects - the nearest exoplanet is 3.6 YEARS away!) Of course, the boundary between science fiction and science fantasy is hazy. Advances in anesthesia may facilitate hibernation. Physiologically, however, general anesthesia is detrimental in the short term, and worse in the long term. Will long-spaceflight medical advances ever be able to deal with this sobering hibernation fact that roughly half of naturally-hibernating animals never revive? Join us to find out. Bring your questions and your curiosity!

Speaker: Art Wallace, UC San Francisco & SF Veteran's Administration Medical Center

Wednesday, 02/05/25


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Marin Science Seminar

320 Nova Albion Way
Terra Linda High School Innovation Hub 1st Floor
San Rafael, CA 94903

Phone: (415) 479-4106
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