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GPS to the rescue: how the CYGNSS mission is uncovering new hydrologic processes in the Tropics

The Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) is in many ways, a unique mission. With its ability to penetrate clouds and canopies and a strong sensitivity to water, CYGNSS has helped us uncover new spatio-temporal dynamics of water at the surface of the Earth. In this presentation, I will describe how we leveraged computer vision together with CYGNSS data to produce new maps of surface inundation that have been shifting our understanding of how much standing water is present in tropical ecosystems. I will then explain how this new information is helping us fill the information gap and improve our predictions of methane emissions, streamflow generation, and flooding in areas too remote to obtain in-situ data. Finally, I will discuss how new commercial missions will help bring this new understanding to fast changing boreal latitudes.

Speaker: Cynthia Gerlein-Safdi, UC Berkeley

Monday, 11/18/24


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