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Science Saturday: Spooky Science

Join us for a spine-chilling Science Saturday dedicated to exploring the spooky and creepy aspects of nature. Discover the eerie world of nocturnal creatures as we delve into the lives of bats, owls, and other mysterious animals that thrive in the darkness. Learn about the fascinating adaptations of these creatures and the myths that surround them. Engage in activities that highlight the unsettling beauty of nature, from the life cycles of creepy crawlies to the intriguing yet macabre role of scavengers in the ecosystem. Embrace the thrill of the unknown as we uncover the natural wonders that give rise to our greatest fears and inspire our most fantastical tales.

Saturday, 10/25/25


Website: Click to Visit


Free with admission

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Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History

165 Forest Ave
Pacific Grove, CA 93950