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Pathways to a Decarbonized French Grid

RTE is the French Transmission System Operator, the biggest in Europe. RTE is exploring electrical pathways to carbon neutrality, fulfilling France and Europe’s ambitious targets by 2050. In this desirable future, the electricity consumption will move from 25% to 60% of the France’ final energy consumption, supplied by a mix of renewables and nuclear power plants to decarbonize industries, transport, housing. Xavier Piechaczyk will explain how the French power system has already begun to change, and what the keys to success are for the transformation ahead. He will provide highlights from comprehensive RTE studies such as "Energy pathways to 2050" and RTE's most recent Network Development Plan.

Speaker Xavier Piechaczyk, RTE

Attend in person or online (see weblink for connection information)

Wednesday, 01/08/25

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Stanford University Energy Seminar

Shriram Center
Room 104
Stanford, CA 94305