Lend an ear: Studying Hearing in Songbirds - Livestream
Songbirds communicate with one another for many reasons ??" to find and attract a mate, to defend their territory, or even to band together to ward off a predator. However, levels of human-generated noise, also known as anthropogenic noise, and encroachment into bird habitats continue to rise year after year. Birds are thus faced with the ever-increasing challenge of still communicating with one another amidst these changes. The naturally occurring mixed-species flocks of black-capped chickadees, tufted titmice, and white-breasted nuthatches offer the perfect means to understand how anti-predatory behaviors are affected by noise, and how these behaviors may be explained by the species’ auditory physiology. This walk will answer questions about how these songbirds communicate in rising levels of urban noise, and how their signals have evolved/are evolving to overcome the challenges of anthropogenic noise.
Speaker: Trina Chou, University of Tennessee
Thursday, 02/20/25
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