Modernizing analytical measurement of marine inorganic carbon - Livestream
As a newly appointed engineer in Todd Martz’s lab at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, I have been working with Dr. Martz as well as Andrew Dickson and Ralph Keeling on modernizing how we make the highest quality marine inorganic CO2 system measurements with the intention of renovating the presently used systems at SIO that are now near end of life. Rather than swapping out obsolete components on systems designed decades ago, we are exploring new pathways to update and improve how we measure the marine CO2 system. In this talk I will share some preliminary work on our proposed redesign of pH and Total Alkalinity bench systems. Additionally, I will provide updates on my ongoing work of measuring Total Alkalinity in situ and new collaborative efforts with MBARI.
Speaker: Ellen Briggs, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
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Wednesday, 02/12/25
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