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Renewal of Science Conference

The goal of the conference is to highlight examples of scientific research that go beyond the current
state-of-the-art and that call for a rethinking of the foundations of the respective fields.

This involves the selection of researchers who have significant contributions that are the cutting edge
of their fields and their subsequent invitation to present their work to the public. By drawing on
the expertise of researchers from a number of fields, such as physics, technology, biology,
medicine, and mathematics, and also from countries such as Australia, Switzerland, Italy,
Romania, and Macedonia, a wide representation is obtained overall.

It is hoped that by interacting with these scientists through such an event, attendees can notice that the scientific method itself, when upgraded, gives unexpected results. They will also have the opportunity to explore this on their own with the help of the presenters post-event, leading to further research collaboration. This would provide a significant impetus to a practical renewal of science.

Early Bird pricing: $300 General (until 8/31), $125 Student (until 9/30)

Regular pricing: $375 General, $175 Student

Thursday, 10/31/24

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Snetu Karania

Phone: 6507044162
Website: Click to Visit


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